Built with support in mind
Rising Phoenix CRPS is not just any nonprofit organization. Yes, we have our very own mission statement. But Rising Phoenix CRPS has so much more than that. Our drive is to spread Awareness, not only of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), but also FOR ALL of the courageously beautiful CRPS Warrior's fighting this battle. Rising Phoenix CRPS is proud and prepared to Educate where possible. But Rising Phoenix's top quality, is that the founder, Jennifer Ray and her support, has had plenty of raw-fully honest experiences, and learned some great knowledge along the way through her own journey, that you can't get without going through it firsthand. Support is our FOCUS! Because in the reality, that's ALL WE ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR. All of us, in some way or another!
Rising pHoenix CRPS support
We're here for everyone who is affected by Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, formerly known as RSD. Every single day, people are being diagnosed with CRPS. It is a difficult and debilitating condition, where many live in silence and alone. As a patient led organization, we believe in the power of voice and support, which is primarily our focus.